POST /api/../InviteEndUser (deprecated)

Sends an invitation

Request Path

POST /api/v3/invitations/actions/inviteenduser

Request Payload

    "policyId": "POLs3J1NEAESn7ipYMwYq20Q2",
    "blueprintId": "BPitsTtiUS27hEsHcVZcZsxw2",
    "opportunity": "my company inc.",
    "validForDays": 7,
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "Hudson",
    "lastName": "Kaiden",
    "regionId": "REKolD1-ab84YIxODeMGob9A2",
    "inviteeCanSetEmail": true


policyId The ID of the environment policy to assign to the environment created for the end user. The policy will govern the life cycle of the end user’s environment.
blueprintId The ID of the blueprint based on which the end user’s environment will be created
opportunity The name of the business opportunity to be associated with the end user
validForDays The number of days to keep the invitation valid for
email The recipient’s email. The invitation will be sent to the specified email.
firstName The recipient’s first name
LastName The recipient’s last name
regionId Optional. The region in which to create the environment. A list of available regions can be obtained from here. The default region is US East (Miami).
InviteeCanSetEmail Optional. Boolean. Indicates whether an end user can set email when accepting the invitation. Default is true.

Response Example

    "invitationDetailsUrl": "",
    "acceptInvitationUrl": "",
    "message": "An invitation was sent successfully"