
A class is a time period during which:

  • Specified end users (students) can spin up a copy of a specified environment.
  • An instructor can guide a learning experience by monitoring students’ environments and their activities in the environments, and can intervene when needed.
Action Description
GET /api/v3/class Retrieves all classes visible to the user
GET /api/v3/class/ID Retrieves details of a class
GET /api/v3/class/actions/getdetailed Retrieves details of a class and students
POST /api/v3/class Creates a class
PUT /api/v3/class Modifies a class
DELETE /api/v3/class/ID Deletes a class
GET /api/v3/class/actions/countries Retrieves all countries that can be set as class locations
GET /api/v3/class/actions/instructors Retrieves project member users who can be assigned to classes as instructors
GET /api/v3/class/actions/customfields Retrieves any custom class creation fields defined in a specified project
POST /api/v3/class/actions/sendinvitations Sends invitations to students to attend a class
PUT /api/v3/class/actions/suspendallenvironments Suspends all running student environments in a class
POST /api/v3/class/ID/students/actions/resumeenvironmentforstudent Resume all running student environments in a specified class
DELETE /api/v3/class/actions/deleteallenvironments Deletes all active student environments in a class
POST /api/v3/class/sponsoredlink Create a unique link that automatically logins a student to class, skipping the class login page.
POST /api/v3/class/disablesponsoredlink Disables a Class Sponsored Link created by POST /api/v3/class/sponsoredlink.