Retrieves all blueprints available in a specified project
Request Path
GET /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/blueprints?regionId={regionID}&defaultSnapshot={true | false}
Request Payload
{projectId} |
The Id of the project.
To retrieve project IDs, use GET /api/v3/projects. |
{regionId} |
The ID of a region. Returns all blueprints that have default snapshots on the specified region. If unspecified, returns all blueprints in the project on all regions. To retrieve region IDs, use GET /api/v3/regions. |
defaultSnapshot |
Optional. Boolean. If set to true – get the default snapshot for every blueprint. The returned JSON will contain a property ‘CreateFromVersions’, which is an array of one element – the default snapshot.
If unspecified, default is false (don’t return the default snapshot). |
Response Example
[ { "id": "BPvY9ME2CJ8dg-TyTeUvcKzw2", "name": "Testing blueprint", "description": "nothing special", "isEnvironmentTemplate": false, "type": 0, "imageUrl": "/resources/imgs/cs/vm_icon.png", "tags": null, "categories": null, "resources": { "cpuCount": 2, "diskSizeMB": 32768, "memorySizeMB": 2048 }, "numberOfMachines": 1, "hasMultipleVersions": true, "hasDefaultVersion": true, "disabledForRegularEnvironmentCreation": false, "disabledForTrainingEnvironmentCreation": false, "canAddMultipleInstances": false, "envTemplateScope": null, "creationDate": "Sun, 15 Jan 2012 08:14:31 GMT", "CreateFromVersions": [ { "Machines": [], "AuthorName": "John Doe", "Comment": null, "Type": 0, "Name": "Default Snapshot", "IsDefault": true, "IsLatest": true, "Number": 0, "Resources": { "CpuCount": null, "DiskSizeMB": null, "MemorySizeMB": null }, "CreateTime": "2017-01-18T16:18:07", "Description": "", "ImageUrl": null, "Regions": [ "REKolD1-ab84YIxODeMGob9A2", "RE6OEZs-y-mkK1mEMGwIgZiw2" ], "Id": "SSoss_-sOnp1jw0gGndRpldA2" } ] } ]