GET /api/v3/envs/actions/getextendedbymachinevanity

Uses the vanity name or FQDN of a VM to retrieve details of an environment and its VMs

Request Path

GET /api/v3/envs/actions/getextendedbymachinevanity?machineVanity={machineVanity}

Request Payload



machineVanity Specifies the vanity name or FQDN of a machine, where {machineVanity} is the vanity name or FQDN (e.g.

Response Example

"vms": [
"id": "MC21ZSnJ8GGaxedAgFzO9KJw2",
"name": "CentOS 5 With KDE2",
"description": "My VM",
"statusText": "Suspended",
"suspensionState": "Power Off",
"progress": 100,
"imageId": "IMKNnQhURlQm865N1IVZsVXw2",
"os": "Linux",
"webAccessUrl": null,
"fqdn": "",
"externalAddress": "",
"internalAddresses": [
"cpuCount": 1,
"diskSizeGb": 20,
"memorySizeMb": 1024,
"username": "root",
"password": "Lw7oCVM2wk",
"consoleToken": null
"description": "Some Description",
"blueprintId": "BPBl7djHwvL3IzD_4lOgmPDQ2",
"blueprintName": "Web Test",
"policyId": "POA_LXAJbOnUyjPZGgMK9Kdw2",
"policyName": "On Demand",
"expirationTime": "Mon, 09 Mar 2015 08:51:13 GMT",
"invitationAllowed": false,
"organization": "CloudShare",
"ownerEmail": "",
"projectId": "PRjTcEu83MXmpDAHTf47b-QQ2",
"projectName": "Phobos",
"snapshotId": null,
"snapshotName": null,
"statusCode": 2,
"statusText": "Ready",
"regionId": "REKolD1-ab84YIxODeMGob9A2",
"name": "Web Test",
"id": "EN5YTkVIYcD6kL9flyAAYyzg2"

Response Property Notes

expirationTime The end of the environment’s allocated disk time. The environment will be deleted at that time.
statusCode Possible values:

  • 2: Ready
  • 3: Suspended
  • 4: Archived
  • 5: Deleted
  • 7: Taking a Snapshot
  • 8: Preparing
  • 9: Creation Failed