Adds one or more VMs to an existing environment
Request Path
PUT /api/v3/envs
Request Payload Example (using a CloudShare VM template)
{ "envId": "EN5YTkVIYcD6kL9flyAAYyzg2", "itemsCart": [ { "type": 2, "name": "VM Name", "description": "VM Description", "templateVmId": "VMyFyls16PYN0dZRUfYIqskA2" } ] }
Request Payload Example (using a machine from an existing Snapshot)
{ "envId": "EN5YTkVIYcD6kL9flyAAYyzg2", "itemsCart": [ { "type": 4, "name": "VM Name", "description": "VM Description", "machineId": "MClp0Hlze4kWhoPALu9zsheg2", "disconnectedFromNetworks": false } ] }
envId |
The ID of the environment. To retrieve environment IDs, use GET /api/v3/envs. |
itemsCart |
Specifies templates of VMs to add to the environment |
itemsCart.type |
Specifies a type of item to add. Must be 2 (which denotes a VM from a VM template) or 4 (which denotes a machine from a snapshot).
| |
A name for the VM |
itemsCart.description |
Optional. A description for the VM. |
itemsCart.templateVmId |
The ID of the VM template from which to create the VM (must be provided when type == 2). To retrieve available VM templates, use GET /api/v3/templates. |
itemsCart.machineId |
The ID of the Machine from which to create the VM (must be provided when type == 4). To retrieve available machines, use GET /api/v3/snapshots/ID. |
itemsCart.disconnectedFromNetworks |
Set this to true if the Blueprint’s machine’s network configuration will conflict with the target Environment’s network configuration. |
Response Example
{ "resources": { "cpuCount": 2, "diskSizeMB": 24576, "memorySizeMB": 1024 }, "vms": [ { "name": "VM Name", "description": "VM Description", "osTypeName": null, "imageUrl": "/ImageHandler.ashx?rXL5DH0iKAm9EtYscPdMAw2", "resources": { "cpuCount": 1, "diskSizeMB": 12288, "memorySizeMB": 512 }, "domainName": null, "internalIPs": [], "macAddresses": [], "canAddMultipleInstances": true, "hostName": null, "vanityName": null, "httpAccessEnabled": true, "startWithHttps": false, "user": "Administrator", "password": null, "id": "MCWDfD3slTbJNGl-MJEcPg7A2" }, { "name": "VM Name 2", "description": "VM Description", "osTypeName": null, "imageUrl": "/ImageHandler.ashx?1YTwBlG87xLZFAtVPBGN_Q2", "resources": { "cpuCount": 1, "diskSizeMB": 12288, "memorySizeMB": 512 }, "domainName": null, "internalIPs": [], "macAddresses": [], "canAddMultipleInstances": true, "hostName": null, "vanityName": null, "httpAccessEnabled": false, "startWithHttps": false, "user": "Administrator", "password": null, "id": "MC0J5KBSmuDMJV0rQRvYiqfw2" } ], "environmentId": "ENrwmIocZbHiNDC1p4jLcNPA2" }
Not all VM information is available at this stage, including password
and hostName
. To query environment VMs, use GET /api/v3/envs/actions/getextended.