Retrieves the total resources that have been used by an environment
Request Path
GET /api/v3/envs/actions/getenvresources?envId={envID}
Request Payload
{envId} |
The environment ID. Accepts only environment IDs created after December 1st 2016. To retrieve environment IDs, use GET /api/v3/envs. |
Response Examples
{ "totalRuntimeHours": 54.2, "totalGbh": 78.45, "maxDiskGb": 10, "lastUpdateTime": "Mon, 09 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMT", "name": "Web Test", "id": "EN5YTkVIYcD6kL9flyAAYyzg2" }
Response Property Notes
totalRuntimeHours | The environment’s total run time in hours. If the environment was created recently and resource information is not yet available, the value is null. |
totalGbh | The environment’s total RAM per hour in gigabytes (GB). If the environment was created recently and resource information is not yet available, the value is null. |
maxDiskGb | The environment’s maximum disk usage in gigabytes (GB). If the environment was created recently and resource information is not yet available, the value is null. |
lastUpdateTime | The last time the environment was updated. If the environment was created recently and resource information is not yet available, the value is null. |